Monday, February 22, 2010

mythbusters: impossible to find a collie steak here

tons of dogs here, none on the menus of restaurants. while you dont see manicured upper east side prize winning pure-breads on a louis vuitton leash, they are free to run about on the streets, perilously close to moving traffic, the same as young children. fed plenty of scraps and appear healthy. all the people who warned me against bringing sparky because dogs are something put on a baggette with cheese and chili sauce have fallen for this. like the myth that says asian girls special place is a horizontal affair (to match squinted eyes?), theres not a shred of truth in it. busted!


  1. Is that sparky? Looks just like him.

  2. yup, thats him. taken over xmas at cyn and nates place. i watched marley and me the other day and really missed him. now that im settled into a place, i could totally have a dog, but up until now when i was floating from one place to the next, impossible.
